What is Interpersonal Neurobiology Counselling?

Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) is a field of study that integrates insights from neuroscience, psychology, biology, and attachment theory to understand how relationships shape the development and functioning of the human brain. It describes human development and functioning as being a product of the relationship between the body, mind and relationships. It basis it’s theory on believing our brain is neuroplastic- it is constantly evolving and has the ability to create meaningful change.

According to the IPNB approach, our brains are wired for social connection and our interactions with others can have a profound impact on our emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the whole person, including their biological, psychological, and social dimensions. This approach recognizes that our biology and psychology are inextricably linked and that our relationships with others shape our brain structure and function.

Interpersonal Neurobiology Counselling will help you:

  • Understand the functions and development of your emotional and logical mind

  • Learn the neural associations to your behaviors and thoughts

  • Increase your self-regulation through learning how your brain operates

  • Integrate your mind and body to promote more conscious choices

  • Give you the ability to navigate conflict from an integrated place

  • Enhance problem solving through integrating your emotional and logical truths

  • Rewire neural pathways that no longer serve you

  • Develop new skills for communication, emotional regulation and empathy.

Is Interpersonal Neurobiology Counselling Effective?

Research suggests that IPNB can be an effective approach for improving mental health outcomes and promoting healthy brain development. Studies have shown that IPNB-based interventions can lead to reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as improvements in overall well-being.

At Gather & Ground, we have seen firsthand the positive impact that IPNB can have on our clients' lives. By working to build positive relationships and promote healthy brain development, we have helped many clients achieve lasting improvements in their mental health and overall well-being.

If you are interested in learning more about how Interpersonal Neurobiology can help you, we invite you to contact our team and/or schedule a consultation with one of our therapists.