Understand Self-Worth & It’s Importance:

At Gather & Ground, we believe that nurturing a strong sense of self-worth is at the core of personal well-being and growth. Recognizing your intrinsic value and embracing your uniqueness are essential steps toward leading a fulfilling life.

To be in touch with your self-worth is to be connected to the inherent value and respect we hold for ourselves. It’s the unwavering belief that we deserve love, support, care and happiness. That our authentic self- the good and the messy- are enough.

We attract what we are. If we do not feel worthy, we will attract people who do not respect our worth. If we do not feel happy, we will use external validation to fulfill our happiness. When we connect to our worth we invite a life that is aligned with our deepest desires and highest potential.

self-worth counselling vancouver

Cultivating Healthy Self-Worth - Why Self-Worth Matters:

Well all seek therapy for different reasons but there is one interesting pattern that presents itself. All challenges and presenting concerns boils down to ONE thing- self-worth. Feeling worthy of love, care, and support.

If you are avoidant in relationships you push love away to stay safe, you question your ability to be worthy of a love that you can just surrender to.

If you are anxious in relationships you try to control your surroundings and don’t feel safe with space. You don’t feel worthy of a person who will just accept and love you for who you are, without fighting and proving yourself.

If you struggle with binge eating, drinking, or smoking you are soothing your nervous system from the deeper feelings of not being able to cope with the feelings of not being worthy. You resort to external factors for control due to the lack of control you feel internally.

If you struggle to set boundaries it may be because you don’t feel worthy of how you want to be treated. Other’s feeling content and happy is more important than being respected in the way you deserve.

If you shut down and struggle to communicate you may have lost the confidence to ask for what you want or you may have never developed the confidence to dive into your psyche to learn how to identify it.

You get the jist… Self worth is everything.


The Common Beliefs that Erode Self-Worth:

When we are young, we create core beliefs of ourselves, others, and the world that temporarily create safety and inner control. Oftentimes, these beliefs are not backed by any real evidence. They start as a speck of snow, then through confirmation bias, we gather experiential evidence on how they are true. They become a large snowball rolling down a hill, gaining momentum with each experience collected by our biased perspective. This confirmation bias slowly erodes our self-worth, piece by piece.

Here are some common core beliefs that chip away at your self-worth:

o I am unworthy of love
o I don’t matter
o I am a failure
o I am a burden
o I’ll always be alone
o I am flawed and broken
o I don’t deserve happiness
o I must be perfect

self-worth counselling vancouver

How Counselling Elevates Your Self-Worth & Confidence:

Our professional counselling services are dedicated to helping you navigate the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Through tailored guidance and evidence-based techniques, we assist you in building self-confidence, improving self-esteem, and fostering positive self-image. Our clinicians are committed to creating a safe and supportive space where you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences while working toward a deeper understanding of your own worth. Discover how our counselling approach can empower you to unlock your potential and live a life driven by self-assuredness and authenticity.

Does this resonate with you?

Book a complimentary consultation with one of our therapists.



Read more about self-worth: