How to Foster Greater Self-Compassion: Allowing Yourself to Rest


Written by: Kristie Burkett MACP (Candidate)

We live in a society that glorifies busyness, and we often push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion to pursue our goals. Productivity often takes precedence over self-care, and fostering self-compassion has become more important than ever.

True self-compassion involves recognizing the importance of rest and giving ourselves permission to take a break when needed. Allowing yourself to rest is essential for fostering greater self-compassion.

The Importance of Rest in Self-Compassion:

Self-compassion is treating oneself with the same kindness and care that we would offer to a close friend in times of suffering or difficulty.

While this concept has many aspects, such as self-kindness and mindfulness, allowing ourselves to rest is an important part of self-compassion. Here's why:

Bring on Health!

Rest is like a secret elixir for your physical and mental well-being. It's a reset button for your body and mind. Without it, you're more likely to experience stress, burnout, and a whole array of health concerns.

Emotions in Harmony

Rest plays a massive role in keeping your emotions in check. When you're well-rested, you're better equipped to handle life's curveballs with grace. The opposite? Well, that's when you're more likely to snap and have those emotional rollercoasters.

Smart Choices

Have you ever tried making a decision when you're tired? It's like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. Rest helps you make smarter choices and avoid those facepalm-inducing moments.

Creative Juices Flow

Rest can fire up your creativity and productivity. When you relax, your mind can wander, leading to those aha moments you'd never have while in full-on work mode.

Hugs for Yourself

Choosing to rest is like giving yourself a warm, fuzzy hug. It's a way of telling yourself that you matter and deserve some loving care, just like everyone else.

Friendly Rest Tips for Your Self-Compassion Journey

  • Schedule time for rest, just like you would for anything else. Block off chunks of time for relaxation and make it non-negotiable.

  • Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a bedtime routine that is calming and nurturing.

  • Learn to decline when you need to. It's perfectly okay to say no to extra work or social invites when you're feeling drained. Setting boundaries is a superpower.

  • Practice mindfulness meditation to get in touch with your body's need for rest. Regular mindfulness can help you recognize when it's time to hit pause.

  • Find activities that help you chill out and recharge. Whether it's reading a good book, soaking in a bubble bath, or going for a leisurely nature walk, make it a regular thing.

  • Try designating tech-free moments to disconnect and truly relax without the buzz of emails and social media.

  • Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a counsellor when you need some support. Chatting about your need for rest and self-compassion with a trusted friend can work wonders.

Self-compassion means embracing rest. It's not about being lazy; it's about showing yourself the love you deserve. So, the next time you find yourself pushing too hard, remember that self-compassion is about allowing yourself to rest when your body and soul need it most.

Interested in Doing Therapy to Boost Self-Compassion?

We can help walk you through it. Set up a complimentary 15-minute consultation to discover how one of our counsellors can support your self-compassion journey. To speak with a Gather & Ground counsellor, book a consultation today.

Our Canadian Certified Counsellor Natalie Carruthers specializes in self-compassion, don’t forget to check her out!