Building Self-Worth: Strategies for Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence from a Vancouver Counsellor


Written by: Kristie Burkett, RP-Qualifying, MACP Candidate

Self-worth is complicated. To some it is believed that we are born whole- our self worth being at one hundred percent. As we gain experiences in the world, these experience either add or erode our self-worth.

The challenge here is that when we are young, we are operating from an underdeveloped brain that cannot fully process the experiences around us. We need help, but not everyone gets that help. So, naturally we begin to erode our self-worth piece by piece. Now, as an adult, we are left to put together the pieces.

Sometimes, we can’t do it alone. Relying on the support and wisdom of a Vancouver counsellor can help illuminate the path toward finding our self-worth and making life more fulfilling.

The Essence of Self-Worth:

Self-worth is the value we assign to ourselves. Unlike emotions that can change with life's ups and downs, self-worth is a steady belief in our values.

Self-worth is the foundation upon which self-esteem and confidence are built, enabling us to face challenges.

Strategies for Enhancing Self-Worth

Reflection and Self-Discovery

The journey to building self-worth begins with self-reflection. It involves exploring your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours to understand why you see yourself the way you do. This process of self-discovery helps in identifying and challenging negative beliefs that may be holding you back.

Setting Realistic Goals

Goal setting is a powerful tool for boosting self-esteem. By setting and achieving realistic goals, you can experience a sense of accomplishment that reinforces your belief in your abilities. These goals can range from personal, such as learning a new skill, to professional, like completing a challenging project.

Practicing Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is the practice of treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend. In moments of failure or self-doubt, embracing self-compassion can provide the emotional support needed to go through difficult things. It acknowledges that humans are not perfect but does not focus on imperfection.

Cultivating Positive Relationships

The people we choose to surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our self-worth. Having positive relationships that provide support and encouragement is important. Relationships create an environment where we can thrive, free from criticism or negativity.

Embracing Challenges

Viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats to self-esteem is a transformative perspective. Each challenge overcome serves as a testament to one's capabilities, bolstering confidence and reinforcing a positive self-image.

Continuous Learning

Seeking out knowledge and personal growth is a lifelong journey that contributes to self-worth. By learning continuously, we can keep our minds engaged, discover new passions, and build confidence in our abilities to adapt and grow.

Seeking Professional Support

There are times when building self-worth requires the guidance of a professional. Vancouver is home to many skilled counsellors who can provide the tools and strategies needed to navigate the complexities of self-esteem and confidence. At Gather &Grund, we offer a supportive and confidential space for you to explore your feelings and build on self-esteem.

Building self-worth is a process that requires patience, effort, and self-compassion. By embracing the strategies outlined above, you can cultivate a positive self-image that withstands the challenges of life. The journey is unique for everyone, but the destination remains the same: a life lived with confidence, resilience, and a deep-seated belief in your value. In Vancouver, with its rich resources and supportive community, the path to building self-worth is not a solitary one. Reach out and find out how we can join you in developing your self-esteem and confidence.